Register Variable Capital Company in Singapore – CorporateRoom Singapore

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Variable Capital Company

New Corporate Structure for Funds Management in Singapore

Register Variable Capital Company in Singapore Admin 2021-05-20T16:43:49+08:00

Variable Capital Company (VCC) Registration in Singapore

Contact CorporateRoom today for more information on Incorporation and Operational Requirements of VCCs in Singapore.

New Business Structure Available in Singapore for Investment Funds

Modeled after similar corporate fund structures in global investment fund centres such as the UK, Ireland and Luxembourg, the Variable Capital Company (VCC) provides investment funds a new  corporate structure that will encourage fund managers to domicile their funds in Singapore, which in turn will strengthen the nation’s full-service fund ecosystem. Similar VCC structures have already been adopted by other jurisdictions in the region, so the passing of the VCC Bill in October 2018 is a much welcome game-changer for Singapore’s fund management industry.

Key Features of a VCC

Flexibility to issue shares, redeem investments and pay dividends out of capital

VCCs are able to vary their share capital, without having to seek investors’ approval, thus allowing investors the flexibility to issue shares or exit their investments when they wish to do so. VCCs will also be able to pay dividends using capital, thus allowing investment funds to meet their dividend payment schedules agreed upon with investors.

Economies of scale and enhanced protection through use of VCCs as umbrella funds

VCC can be established as a standalone fund, or as an umbrella fund with multiple sub-funds, which would benefit the grouping of various Asian and European equities under a single umbrella VCC.  The assets and liabilities of each sub-fund, by law, are to be segregated, so that one sub-fund cannot be used to discharge the liabilities of the umbrella fund, or of another sub-fund.

Privacy of Investors

Public access to VCC financial statements and investor/shareholders’ registers is specifically prohibited.

VCCs may be used for a variety of strategies

traditional or alternative funds retail or restricted funds the standalone fund, or an umbrella entity with multiple sub-funds with segregated assets and liabilities

Fund Management

Assets must be managed by a fund manager duly registered, licensed or exempted by MAS.

Tax residency and incentives

Classified as a corporate tax resident, VCCs’ profits are taxed at a flat rate of 17%. In addition, tax incentive schemes for Singapore funds such as the Enhanced-Tier Fund and Singapore Resident Fund Schemes will be
extended to VCCs incorporated or domiciled in Singapore.

(Source: )

VCC Requirements at a Glance

Set up Requirements

• One (1) Shareholder (individual or corporate entity)
• One (1) Resident Director
• One of the directors needs to be a director or a qualified representative of the Fund Manager and also must be a “fit and proper person”
• Resident Singapore company secretary
• Initial paid-up share capital of at least S$1
• Singapore registered office address
• Appoint Fund Management Company as the investment manager which is licensed / registered by MAS

Contact CorporateRoom today for any questions regarding  Company Incorporation  and  Company Secretarial  requirements in Singapore.

More Information to help your business succeed:


Basic Requirements for Incorporating an SG Company Singapore Company Registration Process Post-incorporation Licences Your Business May Require


Corporate Tax in Singapore Singapore GST Basic Information

Annual Compliance

Preparing Your Company’s Annual Return (for ACRA) Preparing Your Company’s Annual Tax Return (for IRAS)

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